The Rad Cat Raw Diet Recall has been expanded to include an additional quantity across
all varieties because it has the potential to be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes.
This recall includes products within the following Lot number sequential range:
Starting with and including Lot Number 62763, through and including Lot Number 63101.
These Lots have Best By (BB) dates of 10/19/18 through 12/3/19.
Rad Cat Raw Diet Grass-Fed Beef Recipe (1oz sample, 8oz, 16oz, 24oz)
Rad Cat Raw Diet Free-Range Chicken Recipe (1oz sample, 8oz, 16oz, 24oz)
Rad Cat Raw Diet Pasture-Raised Lamb Recipe (1oz sample, 8oz, 16oz, 24oz)
Rad Cat Raw Diet Natural Pork Recipe (1oz sample, 8oz, 16oz, 24oz)
Rad Cat Raw Diet Free-Range Turkey Recipe (1oz sample, 8oz, 16oz, 24oz)
Rad Cat Raw Diet Pasture-Raised Venison Recipe (1oz sample, 8oz, 16oz, 24oz)
The additional recalled products have been added to the Safe Pet Treats app.
Available on iTunes and Google Play.
Click here for the official FDA recall notice.
Rad Cat Raw Diet Recall | July 2018
This Rad Cat Raw Diet recall is for another three lots of their Free-Range Chicken Recipe and one lot of Pasture-Raised Venison Recipe due to the potential to be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes.
This is a voluntary recall by Radagast Pet Food, Inc. for additional lots of their Rad Cat Raw Diet Free-Range Chicken Recipe and their Pasture-Raised Venison Recipe. See additional information below from the manufacturer.
This recall has been added to the Safe Pet Treats app. Available on iTunes and Google Play.

The following recall information was received from Radagast Pet Food.
July 6, 2018, Radagast Pet Food, Inc. of Portland, OR is recalling three lots of Rad Cat Raw Diet Free-Range Chicken Recipe because testing results indicate they have the potential to be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes. The Company is also recalling one lot of Rad Cat Raw Diet Pasture-Raised Venison Recipe because testing results indicate it has the potential to be contaminated with Shiga Toxin producing E. coli O121. This recall is being conducted out of an abundance of caution. Due to Radagast Pet Food’s commitment to food safety and quality, The Company is conducting this voluntary recall.
This recall includes only the lots listed below.
Listeria monocytogenes is pathogenic to humans. Healthy people exposed to Listeria monocytogenes should monitor themselves for some or all of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and fever. There is risk to humans from handling contaminated pet products, especially if they have not thoroughly washed their hands after having contact with the products or any surfaces exposed to these products. Consumers exhibiting these signs after having contact with this product should contact their healthcare providers.
Listeria monocytogenes can affect animals eating the product. Animals exposed to Listeria monocytogenes can display short-term symptoms such as: vomiting, diarrhea, fever, muscular or respiratory signs and anorexia. If your pet has consumed the recalled product and has these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian.
Shiga Toxin releasing E. coli O121 (STEC) is a pathogenic bacterium that can cause illness in humans. People handling or consuming raw pet foods contaminated with this pathogenic bacterium can lead to E. coli infections. E. coli O121 can cause symptoms which include stomach cramps, mild fever and vomiting, and diarrhea, often with bloody stools. Consumers exhibiting these signs after having contact with this product should contact their healthcare providers.
Although E. coli O121 is not known to cause illness in cats, the FDA has a zero-tolerance rule for pathogens in pet food, as humans that handle the food may become infected. Infected cats can
become carriers of E. coli O121 and transfer the E. coli O121 to the home environment.
No pet or human illnesses have been reported.
The three lots of Rad Cat Raw Diet Free-Range Chicken Recipe were shipped to distributors in the US in May and June 2018:
Affected products are determined by UPC with specific Lot Code identification only.
Free-Range Chicken Recipe:
UPC’s :
851536001036 8 oz
851536001043 16 oz
851536001050 24 oz
Lot Code 63057, Best By Date: 10/9/2019
Lot Code 63069, Best By Date: 10/23/2019*
Lot Code 63076, Best By Date: 10/31/2019*
*These two lots were shipped to one distributor in Vancouver, BC, Canada in addition to US distributors in May and June, 2018:
The single lot of Rad Cat Raw Diet Pasture-Raised Venison Recipe, was shipped to distributors in the US only in May and June:
Pasture-Raised Venison Recipe:
851536001210 8 oz
851536001227 16 oz
851536001234 24 oz
(and 1 oz samples)
Lot Code 63063, Best By Date: 10/15/2019
The Company discovered these lots were potentially contaminated during enhanced quality testing it conducted as a follow-up to its March 2018 recall.
Consumers are encouraged to check the Lot Codes on their Free-Range Chicken Recipe and Pasture-Raised Venison Recipe containers. The Lot Codes can be found printed on the bottom
of the plastic containers. Any products with these Lot Codes should be returned to the specialty retailer where purchased for a full refund.
Consumers with questions should contact Radagast Pet Food, Inc. at 503-736-4649 Monday-Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm Pacific Time or contact us through our website at